The holidays are over , roads have been traveled , relatives have been visited and feasts have been enjoyed . Now time to get back to posting stuff around here. My plan for this year , at least for the foreseeable future is to continue posting on a weekly basis ( every Thursday night if at all possible) . If I ever decide to change this I will be forthcoming but at least for now I have the time to both do stuff and write about it.
The next subjects I plan on covering are my attempts at getting the steering wheel controls working , then I have plans for a miniature logging weather station and in between I will sprinkle some tutorials whenever a project uses new concepts. I was also thinking I should write stuff regarding my incursions into the land of Linux , if not for the interesting stuff I do there at least to document my own ineptitude for further reference when I inevitably need to recreate or change configurations etc. Also 2017 has been kind to me and I might step into the land of Raspberry Pi as I got a PI 3 for my birthday last year.
So all in all it’s looking like an interesting 2018 moving forward , thank you to every person that stopped by the blog in 2017 and I hope this helped in some way. Cheers and have a productive 2018!